Tips to Improve Interview Performance

Interviewing is a learned skill, and there are no second chances to make an excellent first impression. Even the smartest people and the most qualified job seekers need to prepare well for the interviews. To put in a good performance before the interview you need to plan and practice a lot. An interview is just like an audition. You need to project yourself as the type of person which the interviewer wishes to hire. There are no rules or guidebooks for facing an interview, but definitely, there are some well-tested tips to improve your interview performance.

Research: It is essential to check out your possible employers online as the website of the company, and the financial statements will give you all the necessary information that you need to know about the company. However, if you are really serious about getting this job then be prepared to go the extra mile in your research to learn about the marketplace and the competition. The ultimate objective is to understand where exactly you fit into the company if you are hired.

Practice Non-Verbal Communication: It is about demonstrating confidence – just stand straight, make eye contact and connect with a firm handshake. It is essential to understand that the first non-verbal impression can pave the way for a great beginning or a quick ending to your interview.

Focus More on Delivery: Always rehearse your presentation. You don’t need to be word perfect, but you need to reply intelligently when someone asks you what you do, why you left your previous company, talk about your achievements and so on. You need to talk comfortably and with confidence and clarity. You need to practice hard so that you get the right words and do not get flustered. It is also crucial to talk at the right pace and know when to stop. There is always a need for consistency between words and body language. When you appear for an interview, you need to know your resume by heart. You should learn your lines in advance and focus solely on delivery rather than on the off-the-cuff replies.

Consider Your Outfit: Always dress appropriately on the day of the interview. You can inquire about the company dress code by making a quick phone call and if a casual dress code is in operation then always opt for the smartest possible outfit. You should always dress to impress but never overdo it and go horribly wrong.

Listen: Right from the beginning of your interview, the interviewer will be giving out information – directly and indirectly. But if you do not hear it then you are going to miss a golden opportunity. Good communication skills include listening and letting the other person know that you have actually heard what he said. Always watch your interviewer and make an honest effort to match his style and pace.

It Is Never a Solo Performance: Your main objective in an interview would be to make the discussion as interactive as possible. People who are experts in interview techniques always call for the 70/30 rule which basically means the interviewer talks for 30% of the time allotted and the candidate, in response, speaks for 70% of the time. However, a smart candidate would want to have a 50/50 dialogue. You should always try to channelize a conversation along the lines where you can play to your strengths. I understand that this strategy is not applicable in all situations, but you can always try to initiate a conversation and steer away from a solo performance.

Work on Your Resume and Work History: You will never be under any stress if any query is raised on the reasons for leaving a particular job or your major achievements. It is prudent to remain as concise as possible and never wander off from the given topic or become flustered. Always re-read your CV and ensure that you know everything inside out. If the interviewer asks you specific questions about your skills and experience, then you can quickly speak on the subject.

Use Appropriate Language: You should always use professional language during the course of an interview. You should not utter any words or phrases that have inappropriate references to race, politics, sexual orientation and religion. Needless to say, these topics could force you out of the door very quickly.